Tributes to Mike

Tuesday 25th June 2019

Dear Mike, first of all I miss you!
Then I breath and I know you are here, inside, in me, in everything around.
You showed me the way to the sacred in such a human way.
Still loving you and still enjoying to spend time with you.
Different forms.
Be in peace


Saturday 15th June 2019

I will forever have gratitude that the Universe directed me to Mike. Well actually it was also Coease Scott, who as my TA in my Biodynamic foundation training. Coease had met and heard Mike talk at a BCTA/NA conference, and thought I should meet him, as he thought I worked like Mike.

United States
Monday 3rd June 2019

Dear Mike,
we never meet physically. I felt your presence in the November seminar in Brescia with Laura and Chiara. They brought us the teaching and you were there with us.
Thank you for the knowledge and the love you taught us.

Wednesday 15th May 2019


As if it were a tribute to holy Francis
We have gathered in the peaceful, timeless morning air.

It seems today everything is You.
Once vicious dogs now gently put their heads in my lap,
A crow settles closely to chant her simple, honest song, crabs come so much closer, to be near.

The distant soft towers of clouds catching the first sun in their round bellies
almost trying to keep its arrival a secret.
The mist, hesitant to reveal every detail in the distance,
Palms hiding in the comfort of this air so rich in the essence of life.

Thursday 9th May 2019

Connected (on an empty chair) - To Mike Boxhall and his tribe.


There was a moment of silence,
and then, emptiness;
there was a time of silence,
and then, nothingness.
There I found myself
with myself,
here I found myself,
with you,
and we became mirrors
to each other.
There was a moment of doubt
and then the leap to abyss,
held on a net that connects us,
saved when we thought we were lost................


Augustin Luceno
Thursday 9th May 2019

The Swan by Rainer Maria Rilke

This labouring of ours with all that remains undone,
as if still bound to it,
is like the lumbering gait of the swan.

And then our dying - releasing ourselves
from the very ground on which we stood -
is like the way he hesitantly lowers himself into the water.

It gently receives him,
and, gladly yielding, flows back beneath him,
as wave follows wave,
while he, now wholly serence and sure,
with regal composure,
allows himself to glide.



United Kingdom
Thursday 9th May 2019

Thinking of Mike now, what I remember is his broad and wolfish smile, his easy laugh. The brilliant way he would muck about in Tesco's as we were shopping for the Abbey courses. Pretending he couldn't reach things on the upper shelves, or that stuff was falling on him. There is nothing better than a wise man who knows how to be silly.

How generous and calm he was, how easy to be with. I can see him in my mind's eye, tall and upright, striding through the Acupuncture Centre. Or sitting with the paper in the back room comfortably drinking coffee. Easy in himself.

United Kingdom
Friday 3rd May 2019

Dear Mike, I thank the Universe for meeting you - and for the joy of translating you at the semimars- thus being able to let each of your words go trough me. From the very first day of our meeting I remember the feeling of great surprise - of the fact that work can be THAT great, THAT fun, THAT much of wisdom and lightness - and that it requires THAT many socks!
I know that you are now looking at the rainbow and having a great time. You were always carrying that rainbow with you. Thank you for sharing it with us, with me.

Monday 29th April 2019

Drahý Miku , navždy zůstaneš v mém srdci. Protože jsi úžasný chlapík a ukázal jsi mi cestu nejen pracovní ale i osobní. To co jsem si vždycky myslel že asi existuje, tak ty jsi mi to potvrdil. Za to ti moc děkuji. S láskou Dan

Czech Republic
Friday 26th April 2019

In 2006, 2009 and 2013 I took workshops with Mike, and always found them to be the most rewarding and memorable trainings I have taken in the 30 years I have been involved in natural healing. His compassion, patience and generosity of spirit always touched me deeply.
As you often said Mike, I continue to "trust the intelligence to do the work". Love and light, Karen

United States
